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Create a release

This document mainly introduces how the Release Manager releases a new version in accordance with the Apache requirements.


  • Source Release is the key point which Apache values, also, is necessary for a release;
  • Binary Release is optional. Apache Kvrocks™ can choose whether to release the binary package to the Apache repository or not.

Note that for binary distribution packages, it is necessary to check that the new version does not contain third-party dependencies.

Please remember that publishing software has legal consequences. This guide complements the foundation-wide policies and guides:


Before the ASF release process, in order to ensure that the version release is more open and formal, we have formulated the following process. For Feature Release, this preparation process usually takes about one week.

Release Manager

The first step to release a version is to select a Release Manager, who will drive the entire process.

The Release Manager is usually chosen from PMC members or committers, based on voluntary registration. However, if there are other contributors who have a strong desire to participate in the release process and no PMC member objects, the Release Manager can be selected from among them.

If no one has a strong willingness to take on the role of Release Manager and a release is needed at this time, a person should be selected from among the PMC members to assume this responsibility.

Propose a release

Once the Release Manager is determined, the first step is to create a Release Proposal and make it public on the community's mailing list or GitHub Discussion.

The Release Proposal should include at least the following:

  • Whether this release is a Feature Release or Patch Release (to be explained later)
  • The release version number
  • The commits added in this release compared to the previous version (please indicate whether rebase/cherry-pick is needed to remove commits from or add commits to the unstable branch)
  • A deadline for cherry-picking period (only applicable to Feature Releases)

Where: Feature Release: Typically denoted as X.Y.0, this type of release introduces new features along with other enhancements and bug fixes. Patch Release: Usually represented as X.Y.Z, this type of release is based on the version X.Y.0 and includes only bug-fix patches without any new features.

Create the release branch

If no one objects to the Release Proposal in the previous step, the Release Manager can create a new branch X.Y (Patch Releases do not need to create a branch and can directly use the existing release branch X.Y).

The Release Manager can determine the deadline for publicizing the Release Proposal on their own, which is usually one to three days.

The cherry-picking period

For Feature Release, after creating a new branch, it will enter a cherry-picking period, usually lasting from 3 days to one week. The Release Manager will provide the deadline in the Release Proposal.

During this period, newly merged bug fixes (especially those related to security) in the unstable branch will be unconditionally cherry-picked into the release branch, while other types of commits (especially new features) need to declare specific reasons and reply to the Release Proposal to apply for cherry-picking into the release branch. The final decision-making power lies with the Release Manager.

Patch Releases do not require this process.

Start the official release vote

After the cherry-picking period, the Release Manager can proceed with the ASF release process, which will be described in the following sections.

Adding GPG KEY

This section is a brief from the Cryptography with OpenPGP guideline.


This section is the requirements for release manager who is the first time to be a release manager

Install gpg

For more details, please refer to GPG official website. Here shows one approach to install GPG with Homebrew:

brew install gnupg
gpg --version #check the version, should be 2.x

Generate gpg Key


  • Name is best to keep consistent with your full name of Apache ID;
  • Email should be the Apache email;
  • Name is best to only use English to avoid garbled.

Run gpg --full-gen-key and complete the generation interactively:

gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.20; Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Please select what kind of key you want:
(1) RSA and RSA (default)
(2) DSA and Elgamal
(3) DSA (sign only)
(4) RSA (sign only)
(14) Existing key from card
Your selection? 1 # input 1
RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long.
What keysize do you want? (2048) 4096 # input 4096
Requested keysize is 4096 bits
Please specify how long the key should be valid.
0 = key does not expire
<n> = key expires in n days
<n>w = key expires in n weeks
<n>m = key expires in n months
<n>y = key expires in n years
Key is valid for? (0) 0 # input 0
Key does not expire at all
Is this correct? (y/N) y # input y

GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.

Real name: Hulk Lin # input your name
Email address: # input your email
Comment: # input some annotations, optional
You selected this USER-ID:
"Hulk <>"

Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? O # input O
We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.

# Input the security key
│ Please enter this passphrase │
│ │
│ Passphrase: _______________________________ │
│ │
│ <OK> <Cancel> │
# key generatio[n will be done after your inputting the key with the following output
gpg: key E49B00F626B marked as ultimately trusted
gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/Users/hulk/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/F77B887A4F25A9468C513E9AA3008E49B00F626B.rev'
public and secret key created and signed.

pub rsa4096 2022-07-12 [SC]
uid [ultimate] hulk <>
sub rsa4096 2022-07-12 [E]

Upload your key to public gpg keyserver

Firstly, list your key:

gpg --list-keys

The output is like:

pub rsa4096 2022-07-12 [SC]
uid [ultimate] hulk <>
sub rsa4096 2022-07-12 [E]

Then, send your key id to key server:

gpg --keyserver --send-key <key-id> # e.g., F77B887A4F25A9468C513E9AA3008E49B00F626B

Among them, is a randomly selected keyserver, you can use or any other full-featured keyserver.

Check whether the key is created successfully

Uploading takes about one minute, after that, you can check by your email at the corresponding keyserver.

Uploading keys to the keyserver is mainly for joining a Web of Trust.

Add your gpg public key to the KEYS document


SVN is required for this step.

The svn repository of the release branch is:

Please always add the public key to KEYS in the release branch:

svn co kvrocks-dist
# As this step will copy all the versions, it will take some time. If the network is broken, please use svn cleanup to delete the lock before re-execute it.
cd kvrocks-dist
(gpg --list-sigs && gpg --export --armor >> KEYS # Append your key to the KEYS file
svn add . # It is not needed if the KEYS document exists before.
svn ci -m "add gpg key for YOUR_NAME" # Later on, if you are asked to enter a username and password, just use your apache username and password.

Upload the GPG public key to your GitHub account

  1. Enter to add GPG KEYS.
  2. Please remember to bind the email address used in the GPG key to your GitHub account ( if you find "unverified" after adding it.

Create source releases and stage

  1. Checkout to the RELEASE BRANCH and cherry-pick commits to release
  2. Use ./ package source -v ${release_version} -rc ${candidate_number} to create release tarball
  3. Make sure it compiles good and push tag to GitHub

Upload artifacts to SVN dist repo


SVN is required for this step.

The svn repository of the dev branch is:

First, checkout Kvrocks to local directory:

# As this step will copy all the versions, it will take some time. If the network is broken, please use svn cleanup to delete the lock before re-execute it.
svn co kvrocks-dist-dev

Then, upload the artifacts:

cd kvrocks-dist-dev
mkdir ${release_version} # create a directory named by version
cp ${repo_dir}/apache-kvrocks-${release_version}-src.tar.gz* ${release_version}/ # copy source code and signature package to the versioned directory
svn status # check svn status
svn add ${release_version} # add to svn
svn status # check svn status
svn commit -m "Prepare for ${release_version}" # commit to SVN remote server

Build and push Docker images


Docker and Docker Buildx is required for this step. Docker Buildx should be bundled with Docker Desktop. If you don't use Docker Desktop, please follow the installation guide to install it.

  1. docker login to your own DockerHub account.
  2. Build and push docker images to your personal repository on DockerHub:
  3. MORE BUILD ARGS can be adjusted according to the performance of your computer
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --tag ${your_dockerhub_username}/kvrocks:${release_version} --tag ${your_dockerhub_username}/kvrocks:latest . --output "type=registry" --build-arg MORE_BUILD_ARGS=-j12

If you encounter some network problems, you can try the following methods with an HTTP proxy.

docker buildx create --name ${your_builder_name} --use --driver-opt network=host
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --tag ${your_dockerhub_username}/kvrocks:${release_version} --tag ${your_dockerhub_username}/kvrocks:latest . --output "type=registry" --build-arg MORE_BUILD_ARGS=-j12 --build-arg http_proxy=${your_http_proxy} --build-arg https_proxy=${your_https_proxy}

Draft release note

Draft a new release note.

You should choose the current release candidate tag. GitHub can automatically generate the content of release note, but you need to group it.

For some important content, highlight it at the beginning.


Kvrocks community vote

Kvrocks community vote,send email to:

[VOTE] Release Apache Kvrocks ${release_version}

Hello Apache Kvrocks PMC and Community,

This is a call for a vote to release Apache Kvrocks version ${release_version}.

The tag to be voted on is ${release_version}-rc${candidate_number}.

The release candidate:${release_version}/

Keys to verify the release candidate:

Git tag for the release:${release_version}-rc${candidate_number}

Docker image:${your_dockerhub_username}/kvrocks/${release_version}/images/sha256-${sha256_value}

Please download, verify, and test.

The VOTE will remain open for at least 72 hours.

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

To learn more about apache kvrocks, please see

Checklist for reference:

[ ] Download links are valid.
[ ] Checksums and signatures.
[ ] LICENSE/NOTICE files exist
[ ] No unexpected binary files
[ ] All source files have ASF headers
[ ] Can compile from source
[ ] All Tests Passed
[ ] Docker image with right version
[ ] Docker image contains license files
[ ] Docker image can work well

More detailed checklist please refer to:


After at least 72 hours with at least 3 +1 binding vote (from Kvrocks PMC member) and no veto, claim the vote result:

[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache Kvrocks ${release_version}

The vote to release Apache Kvrocks ${release_version} has passed.

The vote PASSED with xxx binding +1 and 0 -1 votes:

Binding votes:
- Yuan Wang
- tison
- hulk
- Liang Chen
- Jean-Baptiste Onofré
- Xiaoqiao He
- donghui liu

No Binding votes:

Vote thread:


Thank you to all the above members to help us to verify and vote for the
${release_version} release.


Officially released

Publish artifacts to SVN RELEASE branch

svn mv${release_version}${release_version} -m "Release ${release_version}"

Publish Docker images

Copy the approved candidate docker images from your personal account to apache org:

docker buildx imagetools create -t apache/kvrocks:${release_version} ${your_dockerhub_username}/kvrocks:${release_version}
docker buildx imagetools create -t apache/kvrocks:latest ${your_dockerhub_username}/kvrocks:latest

If you don't have the permission, you can ask someone with access to apache org to do that.

Publish release note

Edit the title of the draft release note and use the new ${release_version} tag, which github will create automatically.

Then, publish release.

Update releases data file.

Send the announcement

Send the release announcement to and CC

You have to use ${name} post email to

[ANNOUNCE] Release Apache Kvrocks ${release_version}

Hi all,

The Apache Kvrocks community is pleased to announce
that Apache Kvrocks ${release_version} has been released!

Kvrocks is a distributed key value NoSQL database that uses RocksDB
as storage engine and is compatible with Redis protocol.

This release contains a number of new features, bug fixes and
improvements compared to the last version released before.
The notable changes since ${release_version} include:
1. xxxxx
2. yyyyyy
3. zzzzzz

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:${release_version}

Apache Kvrocks website:

Download Links:

Kvrocks Resources:
- Issue:
- Mailing list:

On behalf of Apache Kvrocks community